Selasa, 27 April 2010

How to make autoblog

The bloggers who often played like Google Adsense or PPC, updating or adding an article on his blog is an obligation that must be done, why should this? this is because in an effort to otimal SEO is loved by google will index the page so that our blog as much as that ultimately deliver visitors come to the blog and click on Adsense ads. (Note: this is only one of the competing for the hearts of visitors, there are still many other components are also noted)

But how if we are lazy or no time in updates or increase our blog articles. use plugin that can add a posting on our blog automatically.

So far I have often heard adding automated posts can only be done in wordpress to blogspot but there is no manual, automated posts, such as wp-autoblog, wp-robot, wp-mixers and others.

In fact after some searching, turns out I found a way to add a post on blogspot automatically, eventually running out of bloggers do not make sense, there are many ways to tricks.

The following steps to create autoblog on
  • The first create a blog at
  • The both make your e-mail with the gmail account
  • Login into your blog account and then change the settings to Enable blog posts via e-mail
  • Forwards all e-mail to your e-mail addresses such blog posts Visit the next
  • Join program to subscribe to all feeds that you want

One drawback of this method is that the results of the autoblog post will not be unique content. I suggest you continue to post updates manually once in a while, so that various articles can be more varied and dense.

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